Read Write Inc
All children are encouraged to listen carefully and to form sounds correctly from their earliest moments with us in the EYFS through the systematic delivery of the RWI programme.
We currently screen all children in Y1 and Y3, using Speech Link and Language Link, plus any children in other year groups about whom we have concerns around Speech and Language.
A number of strategies are in place throughout the school to support children’s vocabulary development. These include:
- A focus on vocabulary within the RWI programme
- Vocabulary focus within every Whole Class Reading session
- Vocabulary sessions within every teaching sequence for writing
- Speak Like an Expert sessions
- Topic Vocabulary Lists
- TRUGS games
Oral fluency:
It is our expectation that high quality vocabulary is modelled by staff at all times throughout the school day. Across the curriculum, children are expected to share their learning by talking in full sentences. Children are encouraged to listen to, and build on, the ideas of their peers, and to provide reasoned justifications for their views in all areas of learning. For example:
- Reasoning in maths
- Peer mediation in PSHE
- Constructing shared sentences orally in English
- Discussion of different opinions in RE
- Communication of strategy between team mates in PE
- Evaluating evidence in history
- Discussing a text in whole class reading sessions.